Dive / Holoscope by Never

At the age of 16, Matei Radu picked up the guitar and began his journey in music. Through this instrument, he discovered the freedom and joy of musical expression. Soon enough he got into music production and other instruments as well and started playing and producing with various bands in Bucharest. His musical quest and curiosity were developing more & more and in 2013 he surfaced as a solo act under the “Never” alias. In recent years Matei released on labels like Underdog Records, Tzinah Records, PhonicHouse and has booked and shared the decks with the likes of Sebastian Mullaert and Etapp Kyle to name just a few.

More about NEVER




HEARTSONICA is an international art and music project, a community of art and culture lovers, gathering musicians and contemporary artists and writers around the world, to promote good vibes and fine art.
From emerging artists, just out of their teens, to those of wide international acclaim, from prominent DJs to young poets, from award-winning photo-journalists to musicians who transcend changing trends, they are all trying to express themselves, promote each other and tackle the social issues of today.
Whether through astonishing and documentary images, powerful portraits, captivating landscapes, abstract minimalism, as well as through live sessions and mix tapes, as a growing community, we connect artists via our weekly podcast series and monthly projects to create wonderful experiences and multicultural journeys about literature, music and life.

Frutti prematuri

Prisca Agustoni (Lugano, 20 maggio 1975) è una scrittrice e
poetessa svizzera. Dopo la laurea in lettere ispaniche e filosofia e il master
in “Studi di genere” all’Università di Ginevra, nel 2002 si
trasferisce in Brasile, dove ottiene il dottorato in letteratura comparata
presso l’Università Cattolica di Minas Gerais, a Belo Horizonte. La sua attività
letteraria è contraddistinta dal plurilinguismo (scrive in italiano,
portoghese, francese e spagnolo) e da un importante lavoro di traduzione di
poesia contemporanea brasiliana e autori di poesia svizzera di lingua italiana.
Dal 2008 è professore ordinario di lingua e letteratura italiana all’Università
Federale di Juiz de Fora.


- Traduzioni, Traduções, Belo Horizonte, Mazza Edições, 1999.

- Verefkin e altre poesie, in Bloc Notes, n° 43, Bellinzona,
2001, pp. 161–167.

- Inventario di voci, introduzione di Maria José Somerlate
Barbosa, Belo Horizonte, Mazza Edições, 2001.

- Sorelle di fieno, Belo Horizonte, Mazza Edições, 2002.

- Días emigrantes y otros poemas, introduzione di Martha L.
Canfield, Belo Horizonte, Mazza Edições, 2004.

- La Morsa, Lugano, Alla Chiara Fonte, 2007.

- Le Déni, Ginevra, Éditions Samizdat, 2012.

- Un ciel provisoire, Ginevra, Éditions Samizdat, 2015.

Prosa: A neve ilícita, con fotografie di Pietro D’Agostino,
San Paolo, Nankin Editorial, 2006.

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